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Learn how to edit the Template here. If you require additional Support or want this Template to be edited by a Team of Experts reach out to us via our Support Page.

Getting Started

If you are new to Webflow we highly recommend you to watch the free Webflow 101 Crash Course made by the Team over at Webflow University. It covers all the Basics of working with Webflow and serves as the perfect entry point to get started quickly.

Style Guide

The included Style Guide allows you to make Style changes that update across all Pages quickly. The Elements that can be edited in the Style Guide include Colors, Typography, Buttons & Forms.


All Colors use Webflow Variables making it easy to update your Colors to match your personal Brand. The Variables Panel can be found in the Left Sidebar or by pressing the V Key on your Keyboard.


This Template uses to different Fonts for Headings & Body Text. The Fonts can be easily updated in the Variables Panel. All changes will reflect across the Template.


To give you a large selection of Icons we decided to use the following free Icon Library: Phosphor Icons

The Phosphor Icon Library comes with over 6000 Icons and is frequently being updated with more Icons to choose from.

If you wish to use an Icon that is not yet used in this Template download, go over to the Phosphor Icons Website and find the Icon you wish to use. Make sure to select the correct Size and Color and then download it as SVG.

Editing Page Content

After making all the Style changes it's time to add your own content. In this Section we'll look into the static pages, as well as the dynamic Pages (CMS & E-Commerce Pages).

Static Pages

Changing the Content of the Text Boxes is a simple as hovering over the Text Box you wish to edit and then double clicking on it. Now you can freely change the text and replace it with your own copy.

Editing the Images is also simple and straightforward. Select the Image you wish to swap out, click on the settings icon and pick the Image you wish to use from the Assets Panel.

Dynamic Content (CMS)

Editing the Content of dynamic Pages, such as Blog Posts or Team Members, we will have to take a different approach than above.

We can update & add all CMS Content in the CMS Tab that can be found in the left sidebar. In the CMS Menu you can select the Collection and then either click on an already existing CMS Item or add a new Item by clicking on the blue Button in the top right corner.

Every new CMS Item (for example, a Blog Post) create a new dynamic CMS Page.

E-Commerce Content

The E-Commerce Collections can be edited in the same way as the CMS Collections. You can find them in the E-Commerce Tab on the left side-bar.

Important Notes

Apart from the basic editing of pages, there is also a key set of features important to editing your new Template. These features include Interactions, Breakpoints and Meta Data.


To remove or add Interactions, select the Element and go to the Interactions Tab on the right side-bar.

Here you can edit all Interactions applied to the Element, or add an Interaction to it.

Meta Data

To change the Meta Data of the Template (SEO, Sharing, etc...) you can go to the Pages Tab on the left side-bar and click on the settings icon of the Page you wish to edit. In this new Menu you can change all the Meta Data for that specific page, such as Name, slug, Open graph Image and more.


If you require additional Support or want this Template to be edited by a Team of Webflow Experts feel free to reach out via our Support Page.

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